Thursday, June 11, 2009

vast hell

There were a lot of mysteries needed to be solved on that dark, gloomy night. There were a lot of unnatural events going on that were driving the people of this small, unfriendly town crazy. There have been many murders going on within the past few weeks but it is being done so secretively that the people of this town can't figure out what is going on. The killings seem to be planned and have a pattern on how the people are dying. One event keeps leading to another but the people cant find the people who are doing these killings and cant figure out how to stop them from happening. On top of all this trouble the people in this small town can't get along with each other and are constantly fighting over unimportant things. They should be working together to try to stop the criminals but they are totally avoiding everything that matters.
One stormy night everything changed. But things in this town never got better. Only worse. It has been two weeks since it all started. None of these mysteries were solved. More and more people were dying and still no one could get to the bottom of it. No one was trying to make the town a better place. They were just living there not caring what was going on not even wondering if they would be next in line. It was like someone put a spell on the town and no one was aware of anything.
No one ever visited this town. It was as if it never even existed. As if the people werent really living there and were just made up. But it was real and nothing ever went right.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

With a Little Bit of Luck

One day a young couple had trouble selling the remains of their fruits and vegetables. They were not having a good week with growing their crops due to the terrible drought that had ocurred during the passed week. Since selling their crops was the only way the Robinsons were able to make money, the couple started to get poorer and poorer. The Robinsons were hoping to start a family but would not be able to support the baby due to their lack of money. As time went by, matters only seemed to be getting worse. They still were not able to grow any crops and did not have anything to sell for money. Their house was also growing older and weaker and started to fall apart. The Robinsons did not have enought money to fix up their old house. The farm was no longer growing any products. The Robinsons kept hoping and praying every night that things would get better for them.
All of a sudden, their lives changed when they walked outside and felt a few drops of water drip onto their faces. The rain felt so good on their skin in the hot day that it was. The Robinsons looked up to the sky only to see big rain clouds and the rain started to pour down on them. They started jumping up and down in joy. They were extremely happy that their farm was now getting enought water to hopefully come back to life. After a few days, their farm did start to get better. The Robinsons noticed plants growing up through the dirt in the field. Fruits and vegetables started growing again as well. Miraculously, people started coming to their farm again to buy their products. The people were very thankful to be able to eat these fruits and vegetables again.
Eventually the Robinsons were able to make enought money to fix up their old house. Their farm looked younger again and things were getting a lot better. They happily were able to start their family and had and adorable baby girl. They were able to support their child with the money they made from their farm. In the end, they were a happy family and were lucky to have what they had.

Monday, March 16, 2009

staying home from school

You wake up feeling sick. You feel your forehead and it feels warm under your cold hands. When your mom comes in to make sure you are awake you tell her you don't feel well. She makes you take your temperature but you are not sick. You try to get out of bed but you feel dizzy and almost fall down. You are extremely tired and feel run down. All you want to do is get back in bed and sleep the day away. Your mom lets you stay home and rushes out of the house to go to work. You get back in bed and fall asleep again. All of a sudden your alarm clock goes off. You wake up and realize this was all a dream. You wish you could stay home. You are very paranoid and don't want to go to school.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

map poem

There is a lot of room to walk around
So many clothes, shoes, and other accessories
Everything looks amazing
So many colors surrounding you

You feel like you want to buy everything you see
You have this awesome feeling inside as you look around
You feel great walking out of the store with the items you purchased

Confessions of a Shopoholic by Sophie Kinsella

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to Become a Good Teacher

To become a good teacher you need to be good with kids. You have to be nice to them. They will not listen to you if you are not. You need to be able to stand in front of a class of kids. To be able to give them an education without boring them. Make the kids feel like they want to be in school, in your class. Get them to do projects to get hands on experience learning different things. Fascinate them! Get them hooked on learning!

It is important to teach the students in a way that they would understand. Get the students to help each other. Teach them how to work in groups and work with each other. Teach them how to be responsible. Becoming a good teacher is important because you want your students to learn in the best way possible.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I recently finished reading Night by Ellie Wiesel. I did not know what to read and it was recommended to me by a friend. It is was a very interesting book and was a fast read. It was a sad book but kept me thinking about what was going to happen next. I would recommend this book to other people and hopefully it will make them think too.